Ocarina of Time is arguably one of the best Zelda games we’ve seen in the Legend of Zelda series. While the game has been around for more than a quarter of a century, there are still some features in the game that surprise long-time Zelda fans. Today I’d like to go through things you may not know about The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
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The Legend of Zelda originally released in 1998 on the N64, then later on Nintendo 3DS in 2011. This was the first outing for Link, Zelda and Ganondorf in three dimensions, and it’s amazing to this day how Nintendo nailed it at the first time of asking. Zelda fans have been combing through the game for years finding interesting gameplay features, and today we’re going to go through some of those, so without further delay, lets have a look at some of the things you may not know about The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Stun ReDeads with Sun’s Song
ReDeads are some of the most terrifying and memorable enemies in Ocarina of Time. These are the zombie-like enemies that walk slowly towards Link, screaming as they approach. However, it’s possible to stop them in their tracks with the Sun’s Song. If they get too close they jump on Link and start to drain his life, so it’s best to keep them at a distance. Playing Sun’s Song turns them white and allows Link to get in close and attack with the sword, and dispatch them nice and easy.
Fix signs with Zelda’s Lullaby
One fun activity in Ocarina of Time is slicing up the signs, but did you know you can repair broken signs by playing Zelda’s Lullaby? There are plenty of signs dotted around Hyrule, and we encounter them very early in Kokiri Forest. You can slice them in various ways with the sword, but if you want to fix them then play Zelda’s Lullaby and it’ll repair itself by magic.
Jump button
If you have only played the more recent Zelda games like Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll notice that one feature is missing from Ocarina of Time, and that’s a jump button for Link. You can jump in the game, however, it’s an automatic feature rather than jump whenever you want. Run towards a gap and Link will automatically jump over it. Originally, Nintendo wanted to put a manual jump button in the game, similar to Super Mario 64 at the time. Nintendo binned the idea as they felt it would take away from Link’s puzzle focus in the game.
See the shark
Did you know there’s a hidden shark in Ocarina of Time? If you go to the Lakeside Lab, check out the dive pool. Link can test his diving skills to win prizes. As Adult Link you can dive to the very bottom using the Golden Scale or the Iron Boots. There are some extra rupees down there, a Gold Skulltula, plus what looks to be a Great White Shark. I didn’t know you could find Great White’s in Hyrule, but there you go.
First person
Shigeru Miyamoto originally wanted the game to be in first person, with the player looking through Link’s eyes. There were plans to switch the game into third person for combat, but general exploring was earmarked for first person. Designer Yoshiaki Koizumi didn’t agree with Shigeru Miyamoto. Koizumi convinced Miyamoto players should see Link at all times – he liked Link’s design and was convinced players would too. Imagine if The Legend of Zelda’s first outing in 3D had been first-person? This would have fundamentally changed the series forever.
Make a Guard angry
You can make a Guard very angry at Hyrule Castle. After you meet Princess Zelda at Hyrule Castle Gardens, you’ll see two windows. Look inside and you’ll see paintings of Nintendo characters like Mario and Yoshi. Look through the other window and you’ll see a shield-like item on the wall. If Link shoots his a Deku nut at it, a Guard will appear and he won’t be best pleased with Link. He says not to cause any trouble, and then proceeds to throw a bomb at you, which seems a bit extreme if you ask me.
Drink a Poe
Did you know you can catch a Poe in a glass bottle, and then drink it? Normally Link catches fairies or Lon Lon milk, but you can catch poes in bottles. These ghost-like creatues can be found in the Graveyard. After defeating them, Link can swipe at them with a bottle to capture it. Drinking a Poe either refills one heart, or takes it away. If you are really unlucky them all but one of your hearts will drain away, so be careful experimenting with this.
Get free Lon Lon Milk
Lon Lon Milk is very valuable as it restores 5 heart containers, plus you get two gulps of milk per bottle, making that a total of ten hearts that can be restored. You can buy it from Lon Lon Ranch from Talon for 10 rupees. However, if you play Epona’s Song next to a cow, the cow will then speak to Link and proceed to give you the milk for free. Do be aware, you need an empty bottle for this to work.
Fighting style
Nintendo wanted to create a unique game that pushed the boundaries. The developers at Nintendo looked to a Japanese fighting style called Chanbara. Nintendo employed more than 100 people; martial artists, stunt men, and they captured their movements for Ocarina of Time. The Chanbara style involves concealing martial abilities and movements from enemies during a fight.
Ganondorf’s first appearance
When the game released, Ocarina of Time was the first game in chronological order of The Legend of Zelda. Since then games have been release and are earlier in the timeline, with Skyward Sword being the very beginning of the series now. In Skyward Sword, Demise is defeated and says his spirit will be reborn in an endless cycle to get revenge on Link and Zelda’s descendents. Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time is one of Demise’s reincarnations, and also the first time in the series Ganondorf is featured.
Free Hylian Shield
The Hylian Shield is one of the strongest shields in the game. You can but it for 80 rupees, and it’ll complete you Hero of Time look, along with the Master Sword. However, it’s much better if you can get it for free, which you can. There is a grave in Kakariko Village, which you can pull to reveal a hole. Inside the hole in the ground is a cave, and you’ll find the Hylian Shield in a chest.
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