
How to get all Automatons from Dampe in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

Dampe is back in Echoes of Wisdom, and this time he’s an engineer who builds helpful machines called automatons. Today I’m going to run through how to find Dampe, plus also how to get all automatons in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom.

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How to find Dampe

From Hyrule Castle you want to make your way to Hyrule Ranch and along the way you’ll meet Dampe having an arguement with a Crow. This Crow has stolen a key from Dampe and he wants it back.

I didn’t see Dampe until I completed the 4th dungeon at Hyrule Castle, but let me know if you see him earlier in the game. If you can’t find him, then complete the 4th dungeon, then make your way to Hyrule ranch and you should find him in Hyrule field.

Once you have found him, defeat the Crow and get back Dampe’s key. You can use many echoes to defeat the Crow, I’d recommend a flying one. Next you’ll want to visit Dampe’s studio which is in north-eastern Hyrule near Hebra Mountain. It’s close to a waypoint, so it’s nice and easy to travel to.

Enter the Studio and then Dampe will give you some Twisted Pumpkins, then he’ll explain Automatons. To get your first one you’ll need to show Dampe two echoes; a Tektite and a Mothula.

  • Tektite – Hyrule Field, north of Hyrule Ranch.
  • Mothula – Gerudo Sanctum while on the ‘A Rift in Gerudo Desert’ main story quest.

Show him these and Dampe will get to work on your first Automaton, the Techtite Automaton. This blasts away nearby monsters after performing a jump. Dampé also gives you a clockwork key, which is used to wind up automatons. If they break, then you can always take them back to Dampe.

How to get All Automatons

To get automatons, you’ll need to show a combination of echoes and items to Dampe.


Ability: Shoots fireworks Octorok style
Side Quest: Explosions Galore!
Requirement: Complete ‘The Fireworks Artist’. Show Dampé the Octorok and Firework Echoes

The Fireworks Artist Walkthrough

Before you can start “The Fireworks Artist,” you need to get rid of the rift in Eldin Temple. Once this is done, return to Goron City, go up the stairs, and enter the room on the right from Darston’s room. Speak to Basa to start the side quest. He’s looking to make new types of fireworks, but he needs something called blastpowder soil. You can find blastpowder soil near the Rock-Roast Quarry entrance/waypoint. Blastpowder soil can be found near golden flowers. Look to the left of Rock-Roast Quarry, and you’ll see a small hot spring near three patches of gold flowers. Inspect the sparkling area to get the blastpowder soil.

You can head northwest from Goron City to the Rock-Roast Quarry, but if you’ve been activating fast-travel spots, then just warp to it. It’s highly likely you’ve unlocked the Waypoint stone during “The Rift on Eldin Volcano” main quest. If you’re still not sure where it is, you can refer to the heart icon on the image below:

Once you’ve given Basa the blastpowder soil, you’ll receive 50 Rupees as a reward. Before you leave, make sure you learn the Firework Echo. When used, this Echo unleashes fireworks, but won’t have much use in fights or exploring. However, you’ll need the Firework Echo for the “Explosions Galore!” side quest. Completing “Explosions Galore!” will unlock the Tocktorok Automation. This side quest can be picked up from Dampe’s journal after you’ve completed “Automaton Engineer Dampe,” which you get by speaking to Dampe after meeting him on the road to Lanayru.

How to find Octorok

The Suthorn Prairie has two small bodies of water on its west side, and that’s where you’ll meet your first Octorok.

Show these to Dampe and you’ll get an automaton called Tocktorok. This is a mechanical Octorok that shoots fireworks!


Ability: Uses music and dance to scatter groups of monsters
Side Quest: Performance Artist
Requirement: Show Dampé the Zol Echo and the music box. Get Music Box by winning middle course flag race at Hyrule Ranch

How to find Zol

You’ll find your first Zol in a cave in Suthorn Forest, very near the start of the game.

Prismatic Music Box walkthrough

To complete “Performance Artist!”, you need to show Dampe a Zol Echo and find something that makes a “lovely sound.” The quest gives you a hint that the “lovely sound” can be heard from Hyrule Ranch. You’ll need to have Zelda’s horse (“Impa’s Gift”) to get the “lovely sound” item, which is a Prismatic Music Box. Speak to the lady next to the house to partake in the Flag Race. If you manage to complete the Middle Course in under 25 seconds, you’ll get the Prismatic Music Box.

Since the Prismatic Music Box is not an Echo, you can’t summon it to show Dampe. In order to give Dampe the Prismatic Music Box, speak to him and choose “I want an automaton.” Then, select “performance artist” to turn it in. You will need to do this for the remaining three automaton requests, which require the Golden Fan and Heirloom Katana.

After you’ve given Dampe the music box and summoned the Zol Echo, you’ll receive the Gizmol.

The Gizmol is pretty cool because it can scatter monsters with music and dance.

High-Teku Baba

Ability: Will eat nearby monsters, but also any Rupees and items they carry
Side Quest: Endless Stomach
Requirement: Show Dampé the Deku Baba Lv. 2 Echo. Obtain from the acorn mini-game in western Hyrule Field

How to find Deku Baba Lv 2 echo

In the Faron Wetlands Stilled Heart Lake, the Deku Baba Lv. 2 is hanging off the side of a liff just to the left of the starting area.

Endless Stomach walkthrough

The tool from the Acorn Guy that Dampe is looking for is the Steel Trap. You will need to beat the Acorn Gathering Challenge of the Acorn Guy in Western Hyrule Field to obtain the item.

Once you have this item, talk to Dampe and select “I want an automaton.” Choose to make the “Endless stomach!” and he’ll make the High-Teku Baba automaton.


Ability: Attacks enemies using its blade Chop ’em in Two
Side Quest: Show Dampé the Sword Moblin Echo and the Hierloom Katana
Requirement: Obtain the Hierloom Katana from Slumber Dojo by finishing six training sessions

Hierloom Katana walkthrough

You’ll get this from the dojo in Kakariko Village and you’ll have to beat 6 rounds. This is a time trial exercise, so you’ll have to use a variety of methods to beat th etime trials.

How to find Sword Moblin Lv. 2

The Sword Moblin Lv. 2 found in Eastern Hyrule Field in the area connected to the northeast entrance path of Faron Wetlands. It’s formidable against most basic monsters.

Let me know what you think in the comments.





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