
How to get Bombs in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

Bombs are a staple of the Legend of Zelda series and even though Nintendo has switched up the formula in Echoes of Wisdom it’s still possible to get your hands on bombs for attacking enemies and blowing holes in cracked walls like good old times. You can get bombs very early in the game, so today I’m going to run through a quick guide for how to get bombs in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom.

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Zelda can get her hands on some bombs early on in Echoes of Wisdom, albeit through a non-traditional route. Later in the game you do get regular bombs in Swordfighter Form, however you only have them for a short period of time while you have swordfighter energy. Yes, you can refill that energy, but I found myself using echo bombs much more than the Swordfighter bombs, plus you can get them very early in the game to add to your arsenal.

There are 2 key bomb echoes; the Bombfish and the Zirro.

How to get the Bombfish Echo

The bombfish can be found around Hyrule, but you will likely encounter it during your time in Jabul Waters. There is a cave that is south of the River Zora village and north of Jabul Waters and you’ll find bombfish in there. You can actually choose to go here for your 2nd dungeon, and I’d recommend that if you want to get your hands on bombs early.

Bombfish are very useful, albeit a little tricky to use as when used out of water they flop about the place. The best thing to do to prevent this is to pick them up and throw them and try to get the timing right so when they hit a target they explode.

Bombfish are pretty useful, and what I mainly used throughout the game, but there is another bomb -based echo called a Zirro.

How to get the Zirro Echo

The Zirro is slightly different to the Bombfish. When the Bombfish goes off, it gets destroyed. The Zirro fly around and drop bombs, and then Zelda can pick them up and start using them. You do have to be careful because the bombs go off pretty fast, however, it’s a quick and easy way to access a lot of bombs if you need them.

You can find Zirro in the Eldin Volcano, west of the entrance to Goron City and near the Smoothie Business Scrub. The Zirro are a bit more chaotic when it comes to bombs, so if you want more precision I’d go with the Bombfish.

How to get regular bombs

Zelda can get her hands on classic bombs in Echoes of Wisdom through an upgrade to Swordfighter form. You’ll get bombs by defeating Echo or Dark Link in the Eldin Dungeon. You can select this dungeon to be the first dungeon after Hyrule Castle, and in total this would be the 5th dungeon in the game.

The battle against Link is pretty fun. The camera pans out and you’re surrounded by blocks that can be destroyed by bombs, and Link attempts to bomberman you to death. Use a variety of Echoes to defeat Link, and once you defeat him you’ll get the bombs. You can also upgrade this ability at Luberry’s House to turn the bombs into Bombchus. Once you get the Bombs in Swordfighter form you can switch to the form and use bombs by pressing A.

Which bombs are best?

Personally I like the Bombfish bombs. You can get these very early in the game if you decide to go to Jabul Waters for your second dungeon, plus they are very versatile. You can use them underwater, you can use them on land, and once you get the knack of the timing they are quick and easy to use and a decent replacement for traditional bombs. They aren’t quite bombs on command like Link has in Breath of the Wild, but it’ll do for combat and exploration.

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