
Will the next Zelda game converge the timelines?

The Zelda timeline is the subject of much debate, however, recently when looking at what the next Zelda game could be the topic of “timeline convergence” came up. Today I’m going to dive into this topic and have a look at what we mean by converging the timeline, how that could work, plus look into whether we’ve already had the timeline convergence in The Legend of Zelda series.

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Brief timeline recap

Before we dive in, here’s a very brief recap of the current state of the Zelda timeline. It attempts to encapsulate the entire Zelda series via an interconnected series of stories, starting with Skyward Sword and then splitting into 3 branches after the events of Ocarina of Time. There are three outcomes of the Zelda timeline; Link dies fighting Ganon (The Hero is defeated), Link defeats Ganon and returns to his childhood (The Hero is triumphant: Child) or Link defeats Ganon and stays as an adult and continues his life (The Hero is triumphant: Adult).

The most recent addition to the timeline was Echoes of Wisdom, which took it’s place on the Hero is Defeated timeline, which is by far the timeline branch with the most entries including A Link To The Past, The Oracle games, A Link Between Worlds, The Legend of Zelda and Zelda II.

The Zelda timeline is a divisive topic (just check out the comment section of this video, or any Zelda timeline video). You either love the topic, how Nintendo have weaved this complex tale of creation, detailing the eternal struggle of good vs evil. Or you really don’t like the idea, to the point of denying the timeline even exists.

Let’s have a look at what we mean by converging the timelines. Objectively, the timeline is messy. Having the three branches introduces a whole bunch of complexity, and converging the timelines could neaten things up.

Timeline convergence happened already?

Some Zelda fans think Nintendo have already converged the timelines with Breath of the Wild. That contains references to many other Zelda games on different timelines. Majora’s Mask can be found in Breath of the Wild, but we also have a very similar Master Sword setup when compared to A Link To The Past with the pedestal in the Lost Woods surrounded by the flowers. Also, rock salt in Breath of the Wild contains a reference to Wind Waker by saying “crystallized salt from the ancient sea”. Some fans consider Breath of the Wild a soft reboot of the Zelda timeline and consider this confirmed by Nintendo given Breath of the Wild sits on it’s own new timeline with Tears of the Kingdom.

Breath of the Wild could be the eventual future in a world where the timelines have converged into a single one, however, this is far, far in the future where the convergence may have happened. While this is interesting, I am more interested in seeing the timeline convergence happen, and even actively taking part in that timeline convergence game.

How could a timeline convergence work?

We have our splitting point in Ocarina of Time, where the single timeline splits into 3 due to the two outcomes of Link’s battle with Ganon, and the time-travel mechanics via the Ocarina. The current ends of each timeline are Zelda II The Adventure of Link (The Hero is defeated), Four Swords Adventures (The Hero is triumphant: Child) and Spirit Tracks (The Hero is triumphant: Adult). For a timeline convergence to happen, you’d need to have someone who knew of the existance of the 3 timelines, either through the knowledge of the events of Ocarina or something else.

Option 1 – Timeline villian

At this point I’d like to bring in Codster, a member of the community who had this suggestion related to the timeline convergence theory:

A game about exploring the Goddess of Time, a very mysterious figure, would be amazing. Perhaps there is some timeline jumping villain threatening to end all of the timelines or combining them to make it all under this villains reign. Maybe the only way to beat him is combining all timelines or something that ends up to that result. It’ll be awesome! Maybe we get to play as three different Links in their timeline dealing with their own troubles then they converge and it’ll be a whole lotta fun playing as three different Links with different abilities and things!

There is a lot I like about this theory. A timeline jumping villian threatening to merge all the timelines, and due to his or her magic the timelines are brought together or some mechanism of travel between them is enabled.

Option 2 – Triforce

The Triforce is an all powerful relic, and in theory could be used to merge the timelines. This could potentially be powered by Zelda herself. In Breath of the Wild it appears that the Triforce no longer exists as 3 pieces. Each part of the Triforce has come together as one, and this event could have led to the merging of the timelines. At the end of Breath of the Wild the entire Triforce can be seen on Zelda’s hand. We have seen the whole Triforce before on the back of someones hands, and that was Link in Skyward Sword when he obtains the Sacred Flames. While we can see the Trifroce coming together, that doesn’t explain how, and could potentially be the focus of the timeline convergence game.

Option 3 – Sheikah Technology

Sheikah technology could be used to open up portals in the world, allowing for Link’s to travel between timelines. Sheikah Technology is the closest thing we have in the Zelda universe to our own, where you could interpret the Zelda timeline as a multiverse theory, with Ocarina of Time the splitting point, and Sheikah Technology being used to create portals, or wormholes, to allow Link or other characters to travel across the multiverse.

However the timelines come together, this has the tantilising potential to play as 3 versions of Link in a single game. I would like to play as each of those Links individually, then coming together in a climatic sequence where two out of the 3 Links die, leaving only one to continue, therefore merging the timelines for good.

There are a lot of problems with the timelines converging. What happens to the versions of Hyrule in the other two timelines, now without their hero? If Link’s from multiple timelines meet, will the universe be destroyed (as we were taught in Back to the Future) or will they go on to defeat the big bad (as we were taught in Spider-man: No Way Home).

While there are plenty of problems with the timeline converging, I hold out hope that Nintendo will consider this for their next mainline Zelda game. The timing is perfect, Tears of the Kingdom is finished, they are most likely prototyping their next ground breaking gameplay mechanic. While Ratchet and Clank on the PS5 had portal hopping, perhaps Link’s new ability could be something similar, which could open up portal-like puzzle mechanics, and the ability to bring together the timelines in a huge event the Zelda series.

Nintendo, if you’re out there, consider it.

Community spotlight

I put a call out to the community to discuss the timeline convergence theory and here’s what I got back:

I don’t think the timeline is going to matter in the games themselves. Zelda games are meant to be self-contained and not written as part of a big shared universe like with Xenoblade.

Yeah, a BOTW prequel that explains the trio of timelines merging into one would be good.

I think it could be done in a “Spiderverse” kind of way that would be a great ride if done correctly, and not take itself too seriously

Didn’t they do that with the side game called Hyrule Warriors Definite Edition.

If its convergence, gotta be a 3 links kind of game. And gotta be a 3 act game

I would LOVE a dragon break style one. The whole reason i got into Zelda was the lore and after BOTW came out it kinda just irritated me but an official convergence to actually explain why every timeline ends up at BOTW would send me through the roof with excitement!

Let me know what you think in the comments.





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