
Which classic Zelda game should be remade or remastered?

With the Switch 2 coming this year, and Nintendo’s big Switch 2 Direct happening on 2nd April, you would imagine Nintendo will want Zelda to be there. Recently we’ve had an open-world Zelda with Tears of the Kingdom, plus a brand new top-down Zelda game with Echoes of Wisdom, so it’s likely a remake or remaster will be next. But which game will it be? Today I want to dive into that discussion, plus I’ve polled hundreds of Zelda fans to find out what we want next.

Legend of Zelda games take time to create, and that time is only increasing. Back in the early days development time was much shorter. For example, the original Legend of Zelda was released in 1986, then only a year later Zelda II: The Adventure of Link released in 1987. That was swiftly followed by A Link To The Past in 1991. More recently the release schedule has slowed, particularly for mainline games. Skyward Sword was released in 2011, followed by Breath of the Wild in 2017, then Tears of the Kingdom in 2023, so we’re working on a schedule of about 6 years.

Nintendo have a history of filling the gaps with remakes or remasters. Majora’s Mask 3D was released in 2015 on the 3DS, inbetween Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild. Link’s Awakening was released in 2019 on Switch, inbetween Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. Ocarina of Time 3D was remade and released in 2011 to support the 3DS.

Given the amount of time it takes to create a new Zelda game, then it’s likely Nintendo will want to fill that gap with a remake. Plus Nintendo has a HUGE Switch 2 Direct on 2nd April, and I would bet Nintendo wants Zelda to be there to help launch a new console. Twilight Princess launched the Wii, Breath of the Wild launched the Switch, Zelda is a big reason why fans buy new consoles and Nintendo know that, so I think they will want to move the earth to get Zelda into that showcase. It’s too soon for a new 3D open-world Zelda, so a remake or remaster makes the most sense to me.

Recently Newegg, an American retailer, published on their website a Nintendo eShop gift card. The thing that caught people’s attention was the mention of a “Legend of Zelda Remake/Remaster” slated for 2025. At this point we think we have a new Mario Kart for the launch of the Switch 2, and we’d all love a new 3D Mario, but this mention of a “Legend of Zelda Remake/Remaster” definitely raised some eyebrows across the internet.

Let’s have a look at what could be remade or remastered:

Phantom Hourglass

This is locked to the Nintendo DS platform and one a handful of Zelda games that cannot be played on Nintendo Switch right now. Originally released in 2007 it’s a direct sequel to Wind Waker and shares it’s art style. Link is on a quest to save Tetra from Bellum aboard the SS Linebeck. This wouldn’t be my first choice for a remake, but I would like to play it on a modern system.

Ocarina of Time

Ocarina of Time has already been remade, originally the game released on Nintendo 64 in 1998 and the remake was released in 2011 on the Nintendo 3DS console and was used to promote the 3D features of the console, plus it has the mirrored versions of the dungeons that featured in Ocarina of Time Master Quest and a Boss Challenge mode, where you can fight all the bosses.

Ocarina of Time also has an unofficial Unreal Engine 5 fan project. This was made by CryZENx and it allows you to fight enemies and play the Ocarina. Graphically it’s super impressive, and a glimpse of what Zelda could look on a more powerful system.

Ocarina of Time is playable on Nintendo Switch, via the N64 on Nintendo Switch Online. The controls are pretty clunky with a Pro Controller these days, so it would be nice to see the controls updated. This is a front runner for me regarding a remake, even though we’ve seen one already.

Oracle of Ages/Seasons

When you ask Zelda fans what game you want to see remade, the Oracle games always come up. You could imagine Grezzo working on a remake of these games in a similar art style to Link’s Awakening and Echoes of Wisdom. You can play these games on Nintendo Switch via Nintendo Switch Online. I do like the idea of these games being remade, but they are not near the top of the list for me.

Majora’s Mask

Majora’s Mask is in a similar boat to Ocarina of Time. Originally released in 2000 for the N64, Majora’s Mask saw a re-release in 2015 for Nintendo 3DS. If you ask many Zelda fans their favourite Zelda game, Majora’s Mask often comes out on top, so it would be great to see this one remade, but it’s probably in my top 5.

Wind Waker / Twilight Princess

We’ve heard for a long time that Wind Waker and Twilight Princess are ready for release for Nintendo Switch, however they are likely to be the Wii U HD ports that already appared on Wii U. Both of these games currently cannot be played on Nintendo Switch, so I don’t mind how Nintendo gets these games onto the platform – they are both excellent games and would be great additions to Nintendo Switch or Switch 2. I would imagine they could be used to fill the content gap for the remainder of the Switch lifecycle. I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw these ports mentioned in the upcoming Nintendo Direct in February.

Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Zelda 2 is a divisive game, you either love it or hate it. Personally, I love the game, although that may be related to it being my first Zelda game. I would love to see this game remade as a modern game. I played through it relatively recently and for me it still holds up. While the game starts slow, once you get into the combat I think it’s fantastic.

My top pick for a remake for the Nintendo Switch 2 launch would be Zelda II: The Adventures of Link. I think Nintendo could do something really interesting with this. Hopefully we could see updated graphics, and some modernisation of the gameplay and puzzles. We have so many excellent 2D action platformers these days, I would love to see Nintendo take that onboard in the context of Zelda 2.

Community Spotlight

Obviously Zelda 2 is most in need of one, but I think I would most enjoy Ocarina of Majoras remade. I’m not sure exactly how it would work, would the overworld be expanded? Would the dungeons have entirely new layouts/puzzles? Hmm

Zelda Oracles games

Twilight Princess

A Zelda 2 adventure of link remake could be fire. It’s still the only 2D side scrolling Zelda game ever made (CDI games don’t count). If they remade it with a beautiful art style/animation and improved all of the weird stuff (dialogue, cryptic puzzles, etc), it could be an amazing game. Especially with the RPG/leveling up system and platforming. But an Ocarina of Time remake would be incredible too.

For me, it’s DS ones like Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks. I wanted to like them. They seem very cool. But I just don’t enjoy the stylus-centric gameplay. It’s innovative and neat. I’m the lame one for not liking it. But all the same, I don’t, so a remake where I can just use buttons would be lovely. Idk enough about em to know if it can even be done without sacrificing their identity tho.

If they did Zelda II: The Adventure of Link they need to tell us what happened to zelda from the first game

@FX434 Would be great if the prologue of the remake had og Zelda been the one informing Link of Sleeping Zelda instead of Impa. Og 1 Zelda would appear as a NPC inside the North Castle where she would give Link clues as to where to go next throughout his quest.

Imo, I would LOVE a Zelda 1 rermake, or even reimagining. Out of the four choices, I’d say I’m tied between OoT and Zelda II.

Ocarina of Time!! But definitely not BOTW..

I’d love each and every game not available on switch to be ported/remade. But Ocarina just needs one. It’s Nintendo’s FF7.

Majoras mask

I would love to see the original NES game, or the Oracles remade with the new ‘2D’ graphic style. But imagine Ocarina remade with brand new modern 3D graphics!! Same game, don’t touch the game!!! Just graphics!! Fans have been making concepts for so long, it’s time we got an official one!
I’ve heard BoTW 4K, and as much as I would love Wind Waker on the switch, these are fairly recent HD updates and the graphics haven’t changed that much. Ocarina would be a ground up build! How exciting to bring the greatest game of all time to the modern world

I don’t really feel the need for an Ocarina / Majora remake unless they’re completely overhauled with modern controls, expanded worlds, updated music etc.

I’d personally like to see the DS games remade otherwise I might never get the chance to play them unless I buy an old DS

MM already has a remake with improved controls, unfortunately they never fixed that abysmal camera in the oot remake, so I can see why its still on the list.

3d remake of Minish Cap

I think The Legend of Zelda Four Swords Adventures, because that game has not been re-released once, with an updated art style, new levels and more Tingle challenges.

Ocarina of time

Either Ocarina and Majora’s Mask or the Links Awakening treatment for the Oracle games and Minish Cap

Wind Waker and Twilight Princess ports appear to be upcoming. But a full on remake and not simply a port/remaster could work for Ocarina. Some expansions to the overworld and updates to combat system could add a lot of quality of life features.

Ocarina of Time or Majora’s Mask would be the best choices here, since the last remakes were on the 3DS and the technical improvements alone would be vast on Switch 2. Wouldn’t mind seeing those Wind Waker HD or Twilight Princess HD remakes on Switch 2 either.

Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks are obvious choices. Since the Switch 2’s mouse functionality could help them translate the touchscreen features of those games.

All of them any of them just something that goes back to its 3d roots

I want to see the Hero of Time being remastered again, which means Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask

Asking the community (235 votes)

Ocarina of Time 51%
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link 28%
Majora’s Mask 12%
Phantom Hourglass 9%

Let me know what you think in the comments.






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